Jelly Ready Party Games

Straight face

1) Each player writes an inappropriate, ridiculous and/or funny sentence on a slip of paper - keeping in mind that these sentences are aimed to provoke laughter, not mortal offense!

2) Place these slips of paper in a bowl.

3) One at a time, each player takes turns randomly selecting a slip of paper and reading it aloud.

4) If anyone (including the reader) giggles, laughs or smiles they can enjoy a drink.


Truth or jelly

1) Gather in a circle & choose a player.

2) The person to their left asks a question.

3) The player then chooses to either answer honestly or enjoy a drink.

4) The questioner now becomes the active player and the cycle repeats.

5) Questions can be as lighthearted or probing as the mood allows for.

Some examples:
What's the worst date you've been on?
What was the last lie you told?
Where's the weirdest place you've been naked?


I'm going to the bar

1) The game begins with the first player saying "I'm going to the bar and I need a Hard Jelly."

2) The next player now adds another drink to the list, for example "I'm going to the bar and I need a Hard Jelly and a pint of beer."

3) The list continues to grow until someone hesitates or gets the repetition wrong - they're now out of the game and can enjoy a drink.

4) The list resets and play begins again, each round eliminating players until a winner is left.


Two truths and a lie

1) Choose a player and a guesser.

2) The player tells two truths and one lie about themselves. They can be as mundane or outlandish as they like.

3) The guesser decides which they think is a lie - and the player admits if their guess was correct.

4) If the guesser chooses correctly, the player can enjoy a drink. Otherwise the guesser does.

5) The guesser now becomes the player, and the cycle repeats with a new guesser.